Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Paradise Island 5K Race Recap

May 26, 2019

This was my second time running the Paradise Island 5K in Orange Beach, AL. I ran it back in 2017 just months after my knee arthroscopy. (Read my recap here)

I believe that was the inaugural year. It drew a big crowd then, but it's only gotten bigger since then. It's now part of the Run the Coast Summer Series which includes four races in the area starting in April and ending Labor Day weekend. Finishers of all four races get a jacket and a medal at the last race in series. I probably won't be able to complete the series this year due to conflicts with the 4th of July race, but maybe one day.

This race starts at the Orange Beach Sports Complex and runs along the paved Back Country Trails. I like running along the trails.

I hoped that I could improve my time from my last 5K in April. I only ran three two milers since then, so my expectations weren't very realistic. It struggled to stick with a routine of running while going to grad school. However, with graduation behind me on May 3rd, I had no excuse for not being better prepared for this race. It's just so hard when running is no longer a habit.

I took off way too fast during the first mile. I was pacing 8:45-8:50 min/mile for the first half mile or so and then I started to slow down. By the third mile I started to use my 2:00 run/:30 second walk intervals that are programmed on my Garmin.

When I made the final turn onto the soccer fields I could read 29 minutes on the clock. I wanted so badly to keep my time under 30 minutes, so I sprinted as fast as I could. I finished in 29:57.

Mile 1- 9:01
Mile 2- 9:37
Mile 3- 10:07
0.14- 1:10 (8:22 min/mi)

It was nice to see Mindy, Katie and her friend Ragan again. I chatted with them at the finish. Then, Michael and I spent the rest of the afternoon fishing.

Ragan, Me, Katie (@katieshepherd03), and Mindy (@roadrunnergirl)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Jubilee 8K Race Recap

June 1, 2019

I put my name in a drawing for a free race entry for this race at the Montgomery Half/5K back in March, and I won! I couldn't believe it, I never win anything! I've run this race in the past when it was the Jubilee Run for Cancer benefitting the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. This year the local running group reorganized it to support the Montgomery Police Department.

I hoped that I would be in better shape for this race. My last semester of grad school was tough, and running was put on the back burner. With graduation behind me on May 3rd I had a few weeks to prepare for this race, but I didn't. I ran a total of nine miles after graduation (three 2 mile runs and a 5K that I was also not prepared for). As much as I love running, it is hard to get back in a routine after so much time off. 

I knew this run was not going to be pretty. I knew it would be my slowest 8K race to date. I went anyway because (1) I didn't want the entry to go to waste, (2) I knew many of my friends would be there, and (3) I wanted to support the running group's efforts to reorganize this race for a good cause. 

My current 8K PR (43:35) is from this race in 2014.The 8K is not a common distance around here, so I don't get to race it very often. I knew that I wouldn't come anywhere even close to my PR at this race, but deep down I hoped to maintain 9 minute miles. That was a lofty goal! 

I took off like a flash at the start. I ran up the first hill thinking, "I've got this". My heart was beating out of my chest when I got to the top, so I stopped to walk and catch my breath. I caught my breath and starting running again. 

Then came the long climb up Dexter. I stopped to walk again. Another member of the local running group, Bridgett, asked me if I was using walk/run intervals. I replied, "I think so." I wasn't planning on it, but it was starting to look like that was my only way to get through it. I had 2:00 run/:30 walk intervals automatically set on my watch. I've maintained 9 minute miles using these intervals plenty of times before, so I decided I would use them during the race.

Climb up Dexter Ave
Alabama State Capitol Building
My first two miles went well. Despite the walk breaks I clocked 9 minute miles. I hoped I could maintain this pace.

Mile 1- 9:44
Mile 2- 9:53

Downtown Montgomery is known for its hills. I slowed down quite a bit on the rolling hills through the neighborhoods in the next two miles. Knowing that my goal was out of reach, I started to drag out my 30 second walk intervals into my run intervals. I was doing more walking than running. There's one more big hill in the last mile, but it's a long downhill stretch at the top to the finish line. I walked up the hill, but when I reached the top I ran downhill to the finish line. 

Mile 3-10:18
Mile 4-11:05
Mile 5-10:30

I finished in 51:35 (my slowest 8K to date). I was disappointed, but I also realized that I haven't put it the work to achieve faster times. I stuck around at the finish to visit with friends. When the results were posted I was surprised that I got 1st place in my age group. I guess that's a perk of smaller, local races. 

The age group awards were really nice!

River Region Runners

Firecracker 5K Race Recap

June 29, 2019

Michael and I spent a week in Gulf Shores, AL from June 20-30th. I checked several running sites to see if there were any runs in the area while we were down there, and this was the closest one. Pensacola is only about 45 minutes to an hour from Gulf Shores. I've run several runs in the area. The Ronald McDonald House Firecracker 5K was actually one that I've wanted to run for some time now. I've seen several of my Instagram friends from the area participate in past years. Proceeds from the race benefitted the Ronald McDonald House Charity of Northwest Florida.

I participated in the Streaking with the Cool Kids Run streak from June 1-30th to try to get back in a routine of running again. Many of my days consisted of 1.5 milers, but the streak motivated me to get out the door on days when I would rather stay on the couch. My last two 5K's weren't great. I did good to finish just under 30 minutes. I hoped that my consistency would pay off during this race.

I really enjoyed this course. We started at Seville Quarter, ran in front of the Pensacola Blue Wahoo's Stadium, looped around the Palafox Pier overlooking the water, and then made our way back to the quarter.

I maintained a pretty consistent pace. I walked briefly through both water stations, but other than that I ran the entire time. It was typical June weather for the south (hot and humid) so I didn't turn down the water. I felt stronger in this race than I've felt in a while. I finished in 27:31. It's not my best 5K, but I'm proud of it.

Mile 1-8:49
Mile 2-8:50
Mile 3-9:01
0.11-0:54 (8:02 min/mi)

They had cold, wet towels at the finish line and lots of refreshments. The watermelon was really good! We didn't stick around long because we wanted to get back and go fishing.