Tuesday, July 7, 2020

CCAP 5K Race Recap

February 16, 2019

This was my fifth year running the CCAP 5K. This is one of my favorite local 5K's because it benefits the Children's Center Adult Program, a day program for adults with disabilities. Several of the clients and their families participate in the event. I will run it every year that I am able.

Eric and I went to high school together

The course runs through the historic Capitol Heights district. It is mostly flat with a few gently rolling hills. I have run some of my best times on this course (24-25 min 5K's), but that was some time ago.

I had some ongoing knee pain since my last half in December. I went to the orthopedic doctor at the end of January. X-rays showed some wear and tear on the cartilage. I got a PRP injection hoping that it would strengthen my cartilage and help me avoid having another surgery. This race was just a few weeks after my injection, so I wasn't feeling the full benefits yet. I didn't know what to expect as far as my time. I just wanted to show up and support the cause.

The weather is always unpredictable for this race. Some years it is pretty chilly, but this was another unusually warm year with temperatures in the 60's at the start of the race. I started out way too fast as usual clocking my first mile in 8:18. I knew that I would not be able to maintain that pace.

I started using my walk/run intervals when I reached the water stop at the halfway point. I was neck and neck with Bridgett, a River Region Runner who I recognized from other races. When I wanted to walk beyond my thirty second interval she motivated me to keep going. 

The last stretch of this course is downhill after making the final left turn towards the finish line. I saw the clock was nearing 28 minutes, so I pushed as hard as I could to come in with a time of 27:51. This was my second slowest time on this course, but it was good enough for first place in my age group.

Mile 1- 8:18
Mile 2- 9:22
Mile 3- 9:06
0.13- 9:01 pace

 River Region Runners Jean, Me, Bridgett, and Irene with our awards

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